Each candidate shall be required to undergo compulsory rotatory internship of one
year, after passing the final BHMS examination, to the satisfaction of the Principal of the
college. Thereafter only the candidate shall be eligible for the award of Degree of Bachelor of
Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery by the University.
Internship training shall be undertaken at the attached hospital of the college. University
shall issue a provisional certificate on passing the final BHMS to each student. Bihar State
Board of Homoeopathic Medicine shall grant provisional registration of minimum one year to each
student to undertake internship.
Clinical Experience is the prime objective of Homoeopathic teaching and it the essential component of syllabus prescribed by the Central council of Homoeopathy. It comprises of 12 month duration with both theoretical & practical teaching according to NCH regulation. Students will be required to attend the OPD & IPD of our Hospital during their 2nd, 3rd & 4th BHMS classes. Clinical training are provided under the expert guidance of the teaching faculty.
With a view to provide broader spectrum of knowledge college is organizing seminars and symposium time to time. Reputed scholars in Homoeopathy are addressing these seminars to provide at home information updating the faculty and student.
Academic activities are made more nature oriented with the study tour to places of repute with a view to provide on the spot orientation of the students. Visit to Homoeopathic Laboratories, research Centers and Hospitals are the regular feature of activities conducted by concered department of the college. Besides students and faculty members are encouraged to participate in the seminar and symposium being held in different parts of the country. Our faculty and students have participated in both the national and international Seminars.